Winter 2024 Promotion: Face Pack

Winter 2024 Promotion: Face Pack

Winter promotion: pack of 3 facial treatments with a 25% discount!

Prepare and protect your skin against the cold of winter and the dry environment of heating.

We propose a complete pack of 3 treatments from the best professionals, to take care of the skin of your face:

  1. Facial hygiene
  2. Peeling PRX
  3. Personalized anti-aging treatment

Price: €217 (rate without promotion: €290).

Valid until March 20, 2024.

Etherea IPL Laser Hair Removal

Etherea IPL Laser Hair Removal

The end of summer is here!

Now that we have less exposure to the sun, it is the ideal time to start definitively removing unwanted hair and hair with our laser hair removal service.

With the Etherea platform and its IPL laser, we guarantee you optimal hair removal results.

During the treatment, a pulsed light is emitted that is absorbed by the pigment in the hair. This energy is converted into heat, which damages the hair follicles (the base) of the hair, delaying or inhibiting future hair growth.

For long-lasting results, the body laser hair removal treatment will be every two months and the facial laser hair removal every month.

Results are obtained from the first session, but depending on each person, complete and lasting results are obtained between 3 and 6 sessions. A subsequent annual maintenance session is recommended.

Ask about our treatment packs!


Winter discount promotion 2022

Winter discount promotion 2022

Do you want a radiant looking winter with an interesting discount?

During the months of January and February 2022 you can benefit from a 20% discount on most of our treatments.

After the holidays and with a few cold months still ahead that can be hard on the skin, it’s time to take care of yourself and get ready for spring.

To help you on the famous January slope, at Elle est Belle we offer you a 20% discount on all our aesthetic and medical-aesthetic treatments, with the exception of manicures, pedicures and waxing.

Don’t think twice, try out now our treatments to strengthen flaccid skin, reduce stretch marks or cellulite, or let us work on these little wrinkles now that the sun doesn’t burn!

Validity: until end of February 2022

Presotherapy promotion december 2021

Presotherapy promotion december 2021

¿Ya conoces los beneficios de la presoterapia?

Durante el mes de diciembre 2021 podrás descubrirlo a un precio muy especial: comprando un pack de 10 sesiones, la sesión te sale a tan sólo 30€.

¿Te explicamos qué hace la presoterapia?

La presoterapia es una técnica que se basa en la aplicación de un masaje mediante presión controlada, continua o alterna. Estos masajes se aplican en diferentes partes del cuerpo de forma natural y relajante para mejorar la circulación en las extremidades.

Con ello, se estimula el sistema linfático y el retorno venoso. Un mejor funcionamiento del sistema linfático reduce el riesgo de estancamiento de las toxinas y sustancias de desecho, responsables (entre otros) de la formación de celulitis.

¿Entonces, cuales son los beneficios de la presoterapia?

El beneficio más conocido del tratamiento con presoterapia, es quizás la reducción de celulitis.

Sin embargo, la presoterapia tiene muchísimos más beneficios:

  • mejora la circulación sanguínea y linfática,
  • ayuda en la reducción de retención de líquidos y en la reducción de varices,
  • moldea la figura,
  • reduce edemas,
  • da alivio y descanso a las piernas cansadas y doloridas….

En Elle est Belle trabajamos con las marcas más reconocidas y probadas del mercado, para optimizar los resultados de cada tratamiento.

¿Te ha convencido?

¡Llámanos para pedir ya tu pack de 10 horas ;-)!

  • tarifa habitual: 40€/sesión
  • promoción diciembre 2021: pack de 10 sesiones a 30€/sesión (25% de descuento!)
Holidays and Christmas promotion 2020

Holidays and Christmas promotion 2020

¡Shine these holidays!

From December 15 to January 10 we have a promotion for packs of 10% discount in all aesthetic and hair treatments (with the exception of lasers and treatments performed by a doctor or nurse).

¿Some hints and tips?

For your hair we recommend our deep repair hair treatment with “BY M.A.G.”. You relax with a body treatment 24K Gold and we will make you shine even more with a Lumafirm facial aesthetic treatment or with stem cells.

Sounds like a good plan doesn’t it?

Call us to request your time now ;-)!