



Kinesiology is one of the most complementary health methods applied in the field of body / mind integration.

It uses qualitative muscle test and body language as a reference to improve, integrate and relate physical, emotional, mental, nutritional, educational and energetic aspects of the person.

As an integrative technique allows us to know how these parts interact with each other, responding as one, for the whole organism to function properly.

From the holistic concept it is suggested that the muscular / organ / meridian system can be affected by energy imbalances, accompanied by various situations of emotional stress, by thoughts, beliefs, foods or behaviors.

The soft and precise test allows us to access the information of the unconscious and even genetics that creates this stress, compulsive behaviors, depression, anxiety or dyslexia, both emotional and learning, etc. In short, everything that is related to the behavior and behavior of the person.

Kinesiology allows the use of stress release techniques in any of its forms.





Reflexology is a manual therapy based on exerting pressure on certain points in the body that are energetically linked to the internal organs.

Through the stimulation of pressure points or reflex zones (feet, hands, nose or ears), the reflexologist treats the different internal organs and structures as if they were massaging and pressing each of these areas directly. In this way, it provides both physical benefits and psychological benefits.

Among its benefits are:

  • The release of stress and decrease of psychosomatic anxiety
  • It activates blood circulation and energetic and influences fundamental lymphatic functions directly and improves the body’s defenses.
  • Regulation of the digestive system, improves the metabolism and favors the elimination of toxins
  • Anti-anxiety and preventive effect