Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage

The therapeutic massage is used in the treatment of neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders, facilitating the elimination of toxins, activating the blood and lymphatic circulation and improving the oxygen supply to the tissues. It is also used to relieve stress and negative moods, as they stimulate the organic production of endorphins.

It is known today as “a combination of manual technical movements or maneuvers performed harmoniously and methodically, for hygienic-preventive or therapeutic purposes, which when applied with the hands allows to assess the condition of treated tissues.”

It is used in medicine, kinesiology, aesthetics, sport, etc. The massage encompasses various modalities such as: therapeutic massage, deep transverse massage, therapeutic manual lymphatic drainage, myofascial release, sports massage, cryo-massage, connective tissue massage, periosteal massage, neuro-muscular techniques ……

It is recommended in the following cases, among others:

  • Muscular contracture, tendinopathy, lymphedema, sprain
  • Fracture, fracture, spasm
  • Psycho-somatic alterations
  • Myofascial entrapments
  • Sports injuries, etc.

Among its benefits are

  • Relieves and reduces muscle pain and contractures
  • Reduces stress and accumulated stress
  • Reactivates the energy levels

At Elle est Belle we work with a fully personalized methodology, based on the knowledge of multiple techniques and therapies combined with professional practice over more than 20 years